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Research Laboratory of Communication and Humanities



Founded: February 2017

The Research Laboratory of Communication and Humanities  (LIComH) was created for developping research projects, for the divulgation of knowledge, for providing specialized training and advanced services in communication and humanities, responding to the challenges of the Information society and to the regional and national needs. 

Essentially, LIComH is dedicated to research and to rethink about the use of Information and Communication Technologies in the context of social phenomena. With a cualitative and transdisciplinar approach, LIComH activities are related to cultural studies, media critique, political comunication, perceptios studies, art theory, gender studies and jornalism studies.

Moreover, LIComH seeks to contribute to the formation of students, researchers and professors, in communication and humanities, to foment interinstitutional dialogue and to strengthen academic alliances in the lines of research of the Laboratory.

The main research programm of the LIComH is about Bolivian cinema. Considering the complexity of the object of study, the goals of our work is to delimtate, to propose some teorical and analytical tools, to identify the relationship with other disciplines, social phenomena and new technologies, to reveal the importance of cinema in the configuration of nactional imaginaries.

