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LITIR - Researchers


The LITIR researchers’ team is composed of the Director, Associated Research Teachers and Undergraduate and Postgraduate Research Students.

Associate Researcher
Ing. Adrián Gabriel Villarroel Navia

Development of a highly low-effective vibration measurement system for industrial applications


Associate Researcher
Ing. Dennis Casazola
E-mail: dcasazola@upb.edu - dennis.acg@gmail.com 

Implementation of artificial intelligence algorithms for detection and diagnosis of multi faults in gear boxes.


Iván Rodrigo Mendoza
E-mail: imendoza170@gmail.com

Proyecto: Thesis work
Development of an industrial highly low-effective shaft alignment measurement system


Gabriel Castro

Project: Thesis work
Development of structural transfer functions for fault detection and diagnosis based only on vibration measurements, OMA(2018) 


Jorge Antezana

Project: Thesis work
Design, structural stress analysis, vibration analysis, control and monitoring of a gear box(2018 -)


Jhonatan Kevin Oroza Segovia

Project: Thesis work
Vibration analysis and artificial Intelligence methods for prediction of gear faults (2018 - )

Research assistant
Paulo Enrique Sanjines Arnez

Development of a measurement system for photogrammetry and diagnosis of high tension cables

