Lab. Director
Grover Zurita Villarroel, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Tel: +591-4-4268287 (swithbord 523)
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Post-Doc -University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney Australia.
Doctor in vibration analysis applied to rotating machines -Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
Master in Mechanical engineering -Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
Licentiate in Mechanical Engineering -Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
Expertise and interest
Expert in vibrational analysis and digital signal processing, applied to diagnosis of machines, optimization and control of internal combustion engines, and condition based maintenance.
Professional activities
Dr. Zurita, currently, is Associate Professor at the Universidad Privada Boliviana (UPB). He worked at “Universidad Politecnica Salesiana de Cuenca (Ecuador)”, as Prometeo Senior Research between 2014 to 2015. He was a visiting Professor at "Chongqing Technology and Business University, (China)", Sept.-October 2015.
Dr. Zurita was Head of Division of “ Electromecanica Engineering at UPB”, between 2003 and 2014, Associate Professor at the "University of New South Wales", Sydney-Australia (2002), Researcher at the University of "Luleå University of Technology, Sweden", with research projects with Swedish companies, such as, Scania CV and the Transport and Communication Research Center (KFB), 1997-2001, Research Fellow at "University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney", 1997-1998.
He was also involved with several University administrative work: Member of the admissions senate of the University "Luleå University of Technology, Luleå", Sweden, (1996-2001), member of the Senate of the faculty of "Luleå University of Technology, Dept. of Human Work Science", (1998-1999).
The following courses were giving: Vibrational Analysis, Signal and System Analysis, Dynamics and Finite Elements Methods. He has several publications in scientific journals: Neurocomputing, ISA Transactions, Journal of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Mechanical Frontiers, Applied Intelligence, Sensors, International Journal of Sound and Vibration-USA, Noise Control Engineering Journal-USA, Acta Acustica-Europa and Society of Automotive Engineers-USA) and in international conferences. He has also a USA`s patent (2003).