Alberto Freddy Grájeda Chacón, Ph.D
Associate Professor
Telf: +591 (4) 4268287- Int. 515
Research Gate
- Doctor in "Integration of information technologies in organizations" (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia - Spain).
- Master in Computer Science (University of Utrecht - Holland and University Mayor of San Simón - Bolivia)
- Diploma in University Education (Universidad Privada Boliviana - Bolivia)
- Licentiate in Computer Science (Universidad Católica Boliviana - Bolivia)
Expertise and interest
The main areas of specialty and interests are:
- New information and communication technologies and their implementation in education.
- Management and direction of software development projects.
- Administration of computer systems and computer networks.
- Systems security, emphasizing the usage of free software tools.
Professional activities
He has worked at the UPB since 2002 year, started in charge of teleinformatics area at national level, then became a part-time teacher and was the CESI director, a software development center, directing and executing international projects with agreements in United States of America and Spain, and more than half a hundred successful software development projects, this center changed its name to CITIEE, having to face new research projects in Educational area, at the same time it left the department of teleinformatics and obtained the position of director of the Virtual Campus of the University.
Nowadays, he is director of the CITIEE research center and director of the Virtual Campus, involved in technological innovation projects with Education and managing Information Systems projects. Likewise, it is involved in teacher training program of the UPB, primarily using technologies and new learning methodologies in education.
He actually teaches in graduate and postgraduate levels and is continually involved in congresses, seminars and training workshops for teachers and professionals in the area of education with new technologies and computer systems security.
Before joining the UPB, he worked at the DSI (Computer Services Department) at the UCB - Bolivia, performing the position of Systems Administrator.
Twitter: @betograjeda