CRAU participations in congresses, conferences, symposia.
International Conference "Diálogos Urbanos", Santa Cruz, Bolivia (March 2018)
Organizers: UNITAS Network (27 national and international institutions)
Talk: La Llajta in Fragments: Closed Neighborhoods in Cochabamba
Speaker: Andrés Escobar
International Conference "Diálogos Urbanos", Santa Cruz, Bolivia (March 2018)
Organizers: UNITAS Network (27 national and international institutions)
Talk: Dynamics of the real estate market in Bolivia
Speaker:Andrés Escobar
Research Seminar on Land Policy and Urban Development in Latin America. Buenos Aires, Argentina (November, 2017)
Organizers: Lincoln Institute Of Land Policy – USA
Talk: Community – Lead Real Estate Transaction Charges at the Neighborhood Level in Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Speaker:Juan E. Cabrera
International Seminar "Urban Inequalities in Latin America and the Andean Region" Quito – Ecuador (October 2017)
Organizers: CLACSO Work Group: Urban Inequalities, Latin American School of Social Sciences, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, French Institute of Andean Studies, CIDES - UMSA, Institute for Water Education - UNESCO, Universidad del Externado de Colombia, Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil, National Institute of Higher Studies of Ecuador, French Regional Cooperation and the Bolivian Private University.
Talk: Cochabamba and the emergence of alternative and community water services
Speaker: Juan E. Cabrera
Congress of Studies of the City "C I V I T I C 2 0 1 7" Cuenca - Ecuador (October 2017)
Organizers: University Network of Urban Studies of Ecuador, University of Azuay, University of Cuenca, Catholic University of Cuenca, Santiago Catholic University of Guayaquil, Technical University of Loja, Central University of Ecuador, Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Indoamerican Technological University, Eloy Alfaro de Manabí Laic University, Technical University of Babahoyo and Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences, FLACSO Headquarters Ecuador.
Talk: The real estate market in the metropolitan area of Cochabamba
Speaker: Juan E. Cabrera
3rd Ibero-American Congress of Urban Land, Curitiba - Brazil (August 2017)
Organizers: Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Colegio Mexiquense AC, Federal University of Paraná, Positive University, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Urban Group of Land Instruments for Latin America and the Caribbean, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Ibero-American Federation of Urbanists, General National University Sarmiento, Office of the Historian of La Havana, others.
Talk: Co-financing of urban development through community charges in the local management of water and land in the metropolitan area of Cochabamba
Speaker: Juan E. Cabrera
IX Congress of the Association of Bolivian Studies, Sucre - Bolivia (July 2017)
Organizers: Association of Bolivian Studies, Archive and national library of Bolivia, Casa de la Libertad, Cultural Foundation of the Central Bank of Bolivia, MUSEF, French Institute of Andean Studies, Archaeological Museum.
Talk: The development of a TERRITORIAL order: Analysis from the perspective of Urban Law
Speaker: Juan E. Cabrera
Living Divided Seminar: Socio-spatial Differentiation Phenomena in Cochabamba, Cochabamba - Bolivia (May 2017)
Organizers: Center for Research in Architecture and Urbanism, Center for Advanced University Studies, Center for Population Studies
Talk: Urban fragmentation through water networks
Speaker: Juan E. Cabrera
3rd International Congress of Urban Studies "Situation and Perspectives of Housing and Habitat in Argentina and Latin America", Buenos Aires - Argentina (April 2017)
Organizers: Center for Territorial Development of the National University of Quilmes (CDT-UNQ), URBARED (Institute of Social Research) - University Program of Studies on the City of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (IIS-PUEC-UNAM) and the Conurbano Institute, National University of General Sarmiento (ICO-UNGS) (ARGENTINA), and the Urban World Magazine (National University of Quilmes).
Talk: Urban fragmentation through water networks
Speaker: Juan E. Cabrera