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CIF Director


Sandra Liliana Ibáñez-Calero
Tel.: +591 (2) 2165700 – Int. 135
Google Scholar
Research Gate

PhD in Chemistry (University Paul Sabatier, Tolousse, France)
MSc in Chemistry (University of Illinois, Illinois, USA)
BS in Chemical Sciences (University of San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia)

Natural Products Chemistry: Chemical studies in plants, insects and marine species. Separation, purification and identification of metabolites with potential industrial application.
Application in pharmaceutical industry: obtainment of plants’ antifungal compounds.
Purification and structural elucidation of active metabolites.  Biological assays in vitro and in vivo.
Obtainment of antifungal ointments.  Application in food, textile, cosmetology and pharmaceutical industries: obtainment of natural dyes from plants and insects.  Purification and structural elucidation of active metabolites.  Implementation of extraction techniques at the industrial level.  Application in the food and pharmaceutical industry:  Obtainment of antioxidants from plants for use as food supplements and/or nutraceuticals.  Phytochemical works in separation, identification and quantification of antioxidant metabolites.  Preliminary biological Essays.
Chemistry of Bio-molecules: separation, purification and biological essays of active compounds from Bolivian plants.  Evaluation of metabolites against parasitic diseases.  Studies on structure-activity relationships.  Implementation of chemical reactions to study natural redox processes. 
Chromatographic methods and techniques:  thin layer (analytical, preparatory, bi dimensional, bio-TLC), open column, flash, medium pressure (MPLC) high pressure (HPLC), ionic exchange, molecular exclusion, countercurrent centrifugal chromatography (CCC), chromatroton.
Analytical Methods and Techniques:  Spectroscopy: of infrared with Fourier’s Transformed (FTIR), of Ultraviolet (UV).  Spectrometry of masses:  of electronic ionization, of rapid atomic bombardment, of chemical ionization, of high resolution (EM-EI,EM-FAB, EM-CI, EM-HRMSMS).  Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of 1 and 2 dimensions (NMR-mono and bi dimensional).
Biological methods:  Assays: Antibacterial, Antifungal, Saline Artemia, antitumoral.
Chemical-Biological Methods: Chemical reaction of the inhibition of crystallization of ferriprotoporfirina.

Professional Activity
Professor- Researcher, Institute of Chemical Research, Chemical Sciences Career, Faculty of Pure and Natural Sciences, Major University of San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia.
Researcher: Institute of Pharmacy-Biochemical Research, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Major University of San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia.
University Coordinator:  Master in Natural Products Chemistry, Chemical Sciences Career, Faculty of Pure and Natural Sciences, Major University of San Andres, La Paz, Bolivia.
University Professor: Faculty of Engineering, University Our Lady of La Paz, La Paz, Bolivia.
Research Internship: Department de Chemistry, University of Reims, Reims, France. Chemistry Department, Carnegie Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Teaching and Research Assistant: Chemistry Department, University of Illinois, Illinois, USA.
