- At national level
CINTI collaborates with the Bolivian Viceministry of Science and Technology (VCyT) and several public and private Universities.
IIBISMED Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas, Universidad Mayor de San Simón (P. Rodriguez)
- At Internation Level
CINTI has collaborated and collaborates with the following research groups and institutes:
Dynamic Analysis Group, University of Lugano, Switzerland (W. Binder, D. Ansaloni, P. Moret)
Software Technology Group, University of Darmstadt, Germany (M. Mezini, A. Sewe)
Software Composition Group, Universidad of Bern, Switzerland (D. Röthlisberger, M. Härry, O. Nierstrasz)
Department of Dependable and Distributed Systems, Charles University, Czech Republic. (L. Marek, P. Tuma)
Distributed and Parallel Systems Group (DPS), University of Innsbruck, Austria. (T. Fahringer)