
  • Vivian María Verduguez Vargas Universidad Privada Boliviana
  • Fabricio Rene Murillo Mejía




Bolivia, Innovative Performance, Innovation, Organizational Learning Capabilities, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Competitiveness


The document analyzes the degree of impact of Organizational Learning Capabilities (OLC's) and Entrepreneurial Orientation on the Innovative Performance of Bolivian companies. Based on the model proposed by Alegre and Chiva, adapted by Lafuente, Solano, Leiva and Mora, the impact of OLC's and Entrepreneurial Orientation on Innovative Performance is evaluated. The results are obtained from an innovation survey carried out in Bolivia to private companies that are more than 5 years old and with more than 5 employees. The results allow us to affirm the existence of a positive affectation of the Organizational Learning Capacities and the Entrepreneurial Orientation in the Innovative Performance. Likewise, the findings indicate that in Bolivian companies the Entrepreneurial Orientation has a greater incidence than the OLC's on Innovative Performance.


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How to Cite

Verduguez Vargas, V. M., & Murillo Mejía, F. R. (2023). EVALUATION OF THE IMPACT OF ORGANIZATIONAL LEARNING CAPABILITIES AND ENTREPRENEURIAL ORIENTATION ON THE INNOVATIVE PERFORMANCE OF BOLIVIAN COMPANIES. Revista Investigación &Amp; Desarrollo, 22(2). https://doi.org/10.23881/idupbo.022.2-2e



Economía, Empresa y Sociedad