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History of Bolivian Cinema, 1897-2017


Project’s title:
History of Bolivian Cinema. 1897-2017: “From the Celluloid Republic to the State Pluricinemographic from Bolivia: the Bolivian cinema made, 1990-2017”

Main researchers:
Andrés Laguna Tapia, PhD
Email: andreslaguna@upb.edu
Mgr. Santiago Espinoza
Email: santi.espinoza@gmail.com

This historiographic document chronologically reviews events and phenomena of great relevance for Bolivian cinema produced from 1990 to 2017, as well it is descriptive approach to the work of the directors and the most influential films of this period. This text is one of the four parts that make up the book History of Bolivian Cinema. 1897-2017, coordinated by Carlos D. Mesa, in which Pedro Susz and Alfonso Gumucio Dagrón also collaborated, published by Plural Editores. In addition to the main texts, this book includes an appendix with an exhaustive bibliography of all the documents written in Bolivia on the subject, as well as a selection of brochures and relevant 
