Title of the project:
Development of value-added products from tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis and Lupinus albus): milk, creamy ice cream and margarine, as alternative to dairy products
Carmen Carla Quiroga Ledezma, PhD
Email: ccquiroga@upb.edu
The tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet) is a legume from the Andes region, cultivated in Bolivia in the area of the inter-Andean valleys of Cochabamba, Chuquisaca and Potosí, as well as in the surrounding area of Titicaca Lake in La Paz, in the past it played an important role in the diet of the natives of this region. It has interesting nutritional properties, since it has a high content of proteins (43,1-47,8%) that have an important range of essential amino acids (e.g. 7,0% leucine). It has a low carbohydrate content (26,4%), but a significant amount of lipids (18,9-20,9%) rich in unsaturated fatty acids (e.g. 40,4% oleic acid or Omega 9). However, this species of Lupinus has a high content of quinolizidine alkaloids, so it is necessary to carry out a debittering process before it can be consumed, reducing this concentration to a maximum of 0,02%. This process consists of several steps and takes several days to debitter the grain.
Among proteins belonging to the globulin group, Lupinus contains γ-conglutin, which itself has hypoglycemic effects in the blood. Currently there are several organizations that are working on reintroducing tarwi into the diet of the Bolivian population due to its nutritional and functional properties, however a greater diversification of products with added value is sought based on this legume. In this sense, creamy ice cream, milk and margarine based on tarwi could be interesting for people such as vegan/vegetarian, lactose intolerant and/or diabetic or with hyperglycemia.