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Obtaining useful information on levels of decision and effective social communication of what is done or is planned to do, is essential for the development of businesses and private organizations and public institutions.

The Communication graduate develops skills that meet the growing demand for private and public sectors, improve the management and communication planning at the level of internal and external audiences, to build lasting and synergic relationships with all actors influencing the development organizations.

The Bachelor of Communication is a professional who combines the mastery of communication technologies with communication processes and develop skills in basic areas of management.

It has a conceptual and analytical training in order to interpret historical processes and the development of culture in the working environment.


The Communication graduate is a bilingual (English or French) professional with the skills to:

• Present and solve problems in the social communication.
• Plan and manage communication processes using communication technology.
• To create information effectively to different audiences.
• Organize the public relations area in both private and public institutions.
• Manage and operate mass media.
• Develop design strategies and corporate communications for internal and external audiences.


• Marketing
• Human Resources
• Production in communication
• Communication and Development

Total credits: 204

Duration: 8 semesters

