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Study on the quality of surface water resources in the Pilcomayo river basin and its relationship to impacts on mining, hydrocarbon, urban or other activity


Title of the project:
Study on the quality of surface water resources in the Pilcomayo river basin and its relationship to impacts on mining, hydrocarbon, urban or other activity

Ramiro Escalera Vázquez, Ph. D.
E-mail: rescalera@upb.edu

Ramiro Escalera, Ph. D.

Interpretation of the results of various analytical surveys focused at measuring the concentrations of heavy metals and other pollutants in samples of water, sediments, soils, ichthyofauna, vegetables and human beings from the entire Pilcomayo River Basin and its tributaries from Potosí to the Paraguayan and Argentine areas. The major sources of pollution come from the mining-metallurgical activity of the city of Potosí, acid mine drainage and leachate from old waste. The sub-basin of the Tarapaya River is the most affected by the large accumulation of sulphur sediments in the riverbed and suspended solids, with high concentrations of zinc, lead, arsenic, copper, cadmium, silver and antimony. This sedimentation and drag of light solids extend to the vicinity of Sotomayor, Icla and Soroma (140 km downstream on the main course of the Pilcomayo river). From these points, to the Paraguayan and Argentine zones, the pollution decreases significantly due to sediment dilution due to the enormous contribution of uncontaminated particles generated by erosion during the rainy season. The buffer capacity of the river pH values ​​greater than 7) does not allow a significant dissolution of these heavy metals throughout the basin. There is no pollution due to hydrocarbon and agricultural activities. Organic pollution from poorly treated domestic wastewater is mild. The operation of the provisional tailings dam in Laguna Pampa has had a significant impact on reducing heavy metal pollution.

References about the project: rescalera@upb.edu

