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Hydrological model to simulate operations and scenarios in the Misicuni dam


Project title: 
Hydrological model to simulate operations and scenarios in the Misicuni dam

Project Manager: 
Oliver Cristian Saavedra Valeriano, PhD
Email: oliversaavedra@upb.edu

Main Researcher:
Andrés Germán Vallejos Balladares
Email: andresgvallejosb@gmail.com

The Misicuni dam is in the final stages of construction actually and in a short time will be operating for which it needs the necessary tools to manage the existing water resources in the area in the most efficient way and foresee any kind of scenarios that may arise in the future in terms of climate and social changes.

It is why it is proposed to perform a deterministic and distributed hydrologic model for the basins involved in Misicuni project, present with this model various scenarios and simulate the operation of the dam to compare the results with the existing operative plan and to propose different probable situations that could be presented, taking into account projections of climate change mainly.

To achieve the overall objective there are the following specific objectives:

  • Perform the delineation of the main basin that contributes to the dam Misicuni
  • Collect and verify the data required for hydrological analysis of the basin.
  • Perform configuration, calibration and validation of a hydrological model that fits as accurately as possible to the basin analyzed.
  • Use the hydrological model for the analysis of different situations that may arise in the area.
  • Analyze the results of the scenario simulations made by the hydrological model obtained.

This project is developed jointly with the Misicuni Company and their estimated development period is February to August 2016.
