Cine Boliviano, Películas de Montaña, Cine Minero, Estudios Fílmicos, Imaginarios NacionalesAbstract
In Central European countries the film tradition, in the first half of the 20th century, what became known as bergfilme proliferated, mountain films, which contributed to the construction of national and / or nationalist imaginaries. Coincidentally, due to its geographical and cultural conditions, Bolivia has a great visual heritage dominated by the Andes. This research collected and identified audiovisual documents in which the mountain plays a leading role in the construction of the Bolivian national imaginary. From this analysis, the importance of the mining context, its modes of production and organization, was revealed. Using a methodology of documentary review, of comparative and iconological historical analysis, in the cinematographic records treated of this environment certain keys were found to reflect on political, demographic and cultural phenomena, which would shape the Bolivian national reality.Downloads
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