Palabras clave:
High Performance Concrete, Axial-Moment Design Charts, Strees-Strain CurvesResumen
This paper presents non-dimensional design charts for High Performance Concrete (HPC). The more realistic stress-strain curves used were proposed by CEB - Bulletin d’Information 228. The development is made applying “Silva Jr.’s Method”. The strain failure domains of HPC were defined considering the ultimate concrete strain and the strain that corresponds to the maximum stress. The resultant compression force in the equilibrium equations was obtained by integration of the area under the more realistic stress-strain curve. Non-dimensional interactive charts procedures and practical examples are obtained by using an algebraic and symbolic computer program.Descargas
CEB-FIP. Model Code for Concrete Structures, 1990, Thomas Telford Ltd., London, 1993.
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T. AGUIRRE and Plácido BARBOSA. “Adaptation of Silva Jr. Method to the New Criteria of CEB-228 Compared to Eurocode for High Performance Concrete.”, XXX Jornadas Sul-Americanas de Engenharia Estrutural, Brasilia (DF), Brazil, Proceedings, May 2002 (only available in Portuguese).
T. AGUIRRE and Plácido BARBOSA. “High Strength Concrete Design According the Bulletim d’Information No 228”, III International Conference on High-Performance Concrete, and Performance and Quality of Concrete Structures, Scientific International Sponsors: ACI, GLA-Rilem and CANMET, Recife (PE), Brazil, Proceedings, October 2002.
Jr. SILVA y Jaime Ferreira da. Reinforced Concrete Design, Arquitetura e Engenharia, Belo Horizonte (MG), Brazil, 1971, (only available in Portuguese).
CEB. “High Strength Concrete”, Bulletin d’Information, No. 197, London, 1990.
M. P. COLLINS et al. “Structural Design Consideration for High-Strength Concrete”, Concrete International, Vol. 15, No. 5, May 1993.
T. H. WEE et al. “Stress-Strain Relationship of High-Strength Concrete in Compression”, Journal of Materials Civil in Engineering, May 1996.
A. SHEHATA et al. “Stress-strain curve for the design of High-Strength Concrete elements”, Materials and Structures, Vol. 33, August-September 2000.
C. GOMES et al. “TensileResistance and Modulus of Elasticity of High-Strength Concrete”, International Conference on High-Performance Concrete, and Performance and Quality of Concrete Structures, Florianópolis (SC), Brazil, Proceedings, June 1996.
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