Center for Optical and Energy Research
The Optical and Energy Research Center - CIOE was created with the objective of Implementing, developing, executing and consolidating research projects in the areas described in the lower tabs.
In consulting and advising, the CIOE offers its services to solve problems related to the optics of lasers and equipment that are totally or partially conformed with this type of technology.
Creation date
August 2004, Rectoral Resolution No UPB-RR-012/2004
Áreas de Investigación
- Carry out applied research in the area of quantum electronics (lasers): Development of laser technology, fundamentally the development of power electronics circuits related to lasers and applications in different areas of science.
- Carry out applied research in the area of radio communications and radio propagation: Study of meteorological behavior and characterization of these parameters (atmospheric attenuation due to hydrometeors and gases, phase delay and depolarization) to improve the design of radio links, both horizontally and on Earth paths. Space, in all frequency bands.
- Carry out applied research in the area of optics and photonics: The area of optics and photonics is closely related to electronics, electronic control, the development of photonic devices for different practical applications, such as medicine, biophotonics, among others.
- Carry out applied research in the area of solar energy: Studies on local solar radiation, solar and atmospheric monitoring, applications with the use of UV, Visible and Infrared solar radiation.
- Research in renewable and alternative energy: Development of techniques for cooling with solar thermal energy, domotic systems for refrigeration and solar heating with electronic control, alternative energy from wind sources and Energy Efficiency.