Congresses and conferences
Lab. Optics and Photonics
Participations of the Laboratory in congresses, conferences, symposia, ....:
1st International Biotechnology Congress, La Paz - Bolivia (April 15-17, 2019)
- Title: Development of low-cost photonic devices for the diagnosis of infectious diseases (ELISA technique, fluorescence microscopy)
- Speaker: Omar Ormachea (invited talk)
1st Andean Low Cost Instrumentation Workshop, Quito - Ecuador (December 12-15, 2018)
- Title: Low-cost spectrometry
- Speaker: Omar Ormachea (invited talk)
X Bolivian Congress of Engineering and Technology "BETCON 2018", Cochabamba - Bolivia (November 22-24, 2018)
- Title: Biomedical Optics and Spectrophotometry: Development of low-cost photonic devices for the diagnosis of infectious diseases
- Speaker: Omar Ormachea (invited talk)
Active learning in optics and photonics "ALOP 2018", Guayaquil - Ecuador (November 12 to 16, 2018)
- Title: Atmospheric Optics and Eye Optics (UNESCO)
- Speaker: Omar Ormachea
Third Andean School of Optics and Photonics (OPTOANDINA 2017). Lasers, Optical Engineering, Metrology, Spectroscopy, Lima - Peru (November 13-17, 2017)
- Title 1: Fundamentals of LIBS / Designing a Low-Cost Portable LIBS
- Speaker: Omar Ormachea (invited talk)
- Title 2: Implementation of a spectrometer with a smartphone
- Speaker: Omar Ormachea (Workshop 1)
- Title 2: I Implementation of a miniature microscope of
- Fluorescence display: Omar Ormachea (Workshop 2)
- IX Reunión Iberoamericana de Óptica y XII Reunión Iberoamericana de Óptica, Láseres y Aplicaciones “RIAO / OPTILAS 2016”, Pucón - Chile (21 - 25 de noviembre de 2016)
Título: Un espectrómetro basado en teléfonos inteligentes y un kit de bajo costo para mediciones de transmisión y absorbancia
Expositor: Omar Ormachea (charla invitada)
International seminar on applied geophysics, geology, mining, and the environment 2016, Sogamoso - Colombia (November 15-18, 2016)
- Title: Identification of atomic elements in mining concentrates through a low cost portable LIBS system
- Speaker: Omar Ormachea (invited talk)
Eighth version of the Bolivian congress of engineering and technology "BETCON 2016", Cochabamba - Bolivia (October 27 - 29, 2016)
- Title: Development of an electronic power supply, based on a Simmer current ionization circuit, for a YAG type pulsed laser: Nd +++
- Speaker: Omar Ormachea (invited talk)
Active learning in optics and photonics "ALOP 2016", Panama City - Panama (January 18 to 22, 2016)
- Title: Atmospheric Optics (UNESCO)
- Speaker: Omar Ormachea
Active learning in optics and photonics "ALOP 2015", Cochabamba, Bolivia (November 23 to 27, 2015)
- Title: Atmospheric Optics (UNESCO)
- Speaker: Omar Ormachea
Second Andean School of Optics, Spectroscopy, Photonics and Lasers (November 9-13, 2015)
- Title 1: Lasers and other photonic devices
- Speaker: Omar Ormachea (invited talk)
- Title 2: Development of low cost spectrometers based on line array photodiodes and Development of YAG type lasers: Nd *** devices in Simmer current systems
- Speaker: Omar Ormachea (invited talk)
- Title 3: Development of a low-cost spectrometer with adjustable grid and wireless electronic control
- Speaker: Ivan Terceros, Omar Ormachea (poster)
- Title 4: Implementation of a simmer current circuit in a YAG: Nd +++ type pulsed laser with low cost commercial elements
- Speaker: Juan Maidana, Omar Ormachea (poster)
XIX University Meeting on Materials Research (RUIM 2014), Hermosillo, Sonora - Mexico (19 - 21 November, 2014)
- Title: LIBS Lasers and Applications (Laser Induced Decomposition Spectroscopy)
- Speaker: Omar Ormachea (invited talk)
FOCUS LATIN AMÉRICA, Medellin - Colombia (November 11-13, 2014)
- Title: Development of a wireless control for a LIBS system and optimization of the low-cost energy source
- Speaker: Ivan Terceros (oral presentation)
- Title: Development of a diffraction spectrometer and its control software using a Raspberry Pi and low cost commercial elements
- Speaker: Juan Maidana (oral presentation)
Technological and Scientific Congress of the Andean Region "ANDESCON 2014", Cochabamba - Bolivia (October 15 - 17, 2014)
- Title: Installation and automation of a variable angle spectral system for monitoring solar radiation in Bolivia
- Speaker: Omar Ormachea (invited talk)
XXIII ICO congress - International Optics Commission "Illuminating the future", Santiago de Compostela - Spain (August 26 - 29, 2014)
- Title: Installation and automation of a variable angle spectral system for solar monitoring in Bolivia
- Speaker: Noelia Tolavi (oral presentation)
ICTP-ICO-MCTP College of Optics and Energy, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas - Mexico (April 28 - May 9, 2014)
- Title: Measurement of the local solar spectrum for efficient collection of solar energy with low-cost equipment
- Speaker: Omar Ormachea (invited talk)
XV Bolivarian Congress of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, Cochabamba - Bolivia (November 20 to 22, 2013)
- Title: Natural presence of arsenic and its removal in drinking water, using solar collectors in Cochabamba - Bolivia
- Speaker: Ramiro Escalera
NanoAndes BOLIVIA 2013: Nanomaterials for Energy and Mining, and the I Bolivian Congress of Renewable Energies, La Paz, Bolivia (November 11-15, 2013)
- Title 1: Development of a libs system, for in situ and real-time identification of rare earths, based on laser radiation-induced atomic emission spectroscopy
- Speaker: Omar Ormachea (invited talk)
- Title 2: Optimization of the efficiency of photovoltaic panels through solar monitoring and temperature control
- Speaker: Alejandro Durandal (poster)
- Title 3: Automation and optimization of a variable angle spectral system for monitoring global and diffuse solar radiation
- Speaker: Noelia Tolavi (poster)
Active learning in optics and photonics "ALOP 2013", Tumaco, Colombia (October 7-11, 2013)
- Title: Atmospheric Optics and Geometric Optics (UNESCO)
- Speaker: Omar Ormachea
VII Ibero-American Meeting on Optics (RIAO) X Latin American Meeting on Optics, Lasers and Applications (OPTILAS) "RIAO / OPTILAS-2013", Porto, Portugal (July 22 to 26, 2013)
- Title 1: Development of a low cost portable LIBS system
- Speaker: Omar Ormachea (guest talk), Oscar Urquidi (poster)
- Title 2: Installation of a variable angle spectrometer system to monitor diffuse and global solar radiation
- Speaker: Omar Ormachea
Bolivian Congress of Engineering and Technology "BETCON 2013", Santa Cruz, Bolivia (April 10-12, 2013)
- Title 1: Development of laser and spectrophotometric technology for applications
- LIBS speaker: Omar Ormachea (guest talk)
- Title 2: Bolivian Scientific and Technological Potential
- Speaker: Omar Ormachea (invited talk)
The 4th International Congress on Arsenic in the Environment: Understanding the Geological-Medical Interface of Arsenic, Cairns, Australia (July 22-27, 2012)
- Title: Occurrence of natural arsenic and its removal from drinking water using an improved tubular photo-reactor with a solar concentrator in Cochabamba, Bolivia
- M. Ormachea, L. Huallpara, J. Quintanilla, O. Ormachea, R. Escalera and Bhattacharya
- Speaker: Bhattacharya
I National Symposium on Renewable Energies, Cochabamba, Bolivia (October 2 to 3, 2012)
- Title 1: Development of a room heating system using solar collectors and vacuum tubes
- Speaker: Omar Ormachea
- Title 2: Development of a solar radiation monitoring system based on a broad-spectrum spectrometer and analysis of preliminary results
- Speaker: Augusta Abrahamse
- Title 3: Optimization of the efficiency of photovoltaic panels through temperature control - preliminary results
- Speaker: Omar Ormachea
- Title 4: Removal of arsenic by solar oxidation (RAOS) in a tubular photo-reactor in a semicircular section
- Speaker: Omar Ormachea
XV Iberian Congress and X Iberoamerican Congress of Solar Energy-2012, Vigo, Spain (June 19 to 22, 2012)
- Title 1: Development of a solar room heating system through low-cost circular geometry collectors
- Speaker: Dante Loza
TECNOLASER 2012, Havana, Cuba (April 10 to 13, 2012)
- Title 1: Development of a solar radiation monitoring system based on a broad spectrum spectrometer
- Title 2: Construction of a portable YAG-type pulsed laser: Nd +++ for LIBS applications
- Title 3: Development and construction of a diffraction spectrometer, use low cost commercial elements
- Speaker: Fabiola Romero
IV Brazilian Congress on Energy Efficiency "MiniForumIBEROEKA 2011", Juiz de Fora, Brazil (August 28-31, 2011)
- Title: Optimization of the efficiency of photovoltaic systems through solar collection based on Fresnel lenses
- Speaker: Omar Ormachea
Active learning in optics and photonics "ALOP 2011", Medellín, Colombia (August 1 to 5, 2011)
- Title: Interference and Atmospheric Optics (UNESCO)
- Speaker: Omar Ormachea
Active learning in optics and photonics "ALOP 2010", Bogotá, Colombia (December 6 to 10, 2010)
- Title: Interference and Geometric Optics (UNESCO)
- Speaker: Omar Ormachea
VII Iberoamerican Meeting on Optics (RIAO) X Latin American Meeting on Optics, Lasers and Applications (OPTILAS) "RIAO / OPTILAS-2010", Lima, Peru (September 20-24, 2010)
- Title 1: Development of a high voltage source for transverse and longitudinal excitation of gaseous lasers
- Speaker: Wendy Morrison (Poster presentation)
- Title 2: Design and Construction of the UN Portable Pulsed Laser of the YAG Type: Nd +++ for LIBS Applications
- Speaker: Mónica Delgado (Poster presentation)
- Title 3: Project for a Tropospheric LIDAR System in Cochabamba, Bolivia
- Speaker: Oscar Urquidi (Poster presentation)
- Title 4: Optimization of the Efficiency of Photovoltaic Systems Through Solar Collection, Based on Fresnel Lenses and Automated Solar Positioning
- Speaker: Daniel Serna (Poster presentation)
Andean School of Optics and Photonics "OPTOANDINA-2010", Lima, Peru (September 13 to 17, 2010)
- Title: Workshop and course on lasers
- Speaker: Omar Ormachea
Active learning in optics and photonics "ALOP 2010", Arequipa, Peru (June 1-4, 2010)
- Title: Atmospheric Optics and Interference (UNESCO)
- Speaker: Omar Ormachea
XXXV Inter-American meeting of the Interciencia association "Interciencia 2009", Cochabamba, Bolivia (November 4-7, 2009)
- Title: Increase in the efficiency of photovoltaic systems, with solar collection based on Fresnel lenses for its implementation in rural areas of Bolivia
- Speaker: Omar Ormachea
II International Spectroscopy Conference "SPECTRA 2009", Lima, Peru (March 2 - 9, 2009)
- Title: Workshop and course on lasers
- Speaker: Omar Ormachea