Title of the project:
Detection and removal of arsenic in unfavoured areas with groundwater supply (Bolivia)
Project leader:
Jorge Civis Llovera
Instituto Geológico y Minero de España
Jose Luis García Aróstegui
Universidad de Murcia, España
Ramiro Escalera Vásquez, PhD
Centro de Investigaciones de Procesos Industriales (CIPI) - UPB
Omar Ormachea Muñoz, PhD
Centro de Investigaciones Ópticas y Energías (CIOE) - UPB
The presence of arsenic in water from natural sources represents a very wide-ranging health threat that currently affects many countries in various regions of the world. In Bolivia the detection of the presence of arsenic has been relatively recent. Based on the previous knowledge acquired in a previous project financed by AECID (11 CAP2 1282), the present proposal considers it essential to go further in the characterization of the problem and the innovation on arsenic removal techniques in public supply waters.
It is proposed (1) the application of a low-cost photoreactor built with accessible materials and easy technology transfer, to remove arsenic, which has already been tested at the pilot level. The implementation of this innovative solution will be carried out in the peri-urban area of Cochabamba as a reference / control site (with waters from different OTBs), and rural areas (Quillacas) of the Altiplano of Bolivia south of Lake Poopó. On the other hand, in a parallel way the characterization of the problem will be carried out (2), fundamentally of the geogenic origin of the presence of arsenic, which will require a local and more general analysis that is considered fundamental to know the extent of the presence of arsenic; Sampling will be collected and carried out in catchments of selected areas, mainly in rural areas. Specifically, the results will be sampled and interpreted in the geographical areas of the Central Highlands, Cochabamba Valley and the Chaco-Beniana plain in the surroundings of Santa Cruz and Trinidad. This last aspect is also key to (3) anticipate an eventual replicability of the innovative solution on a larger scale, which will be evaluated in the last phase of the project. In a transversal way, during all stages of the project, one (4) social awareness and dissemination work on water issues will be carried out, with special attention to the protection of groundwater catchments, distribution and maintenance of supply networks, as well as obviously, the maintenance of the arsenic elimination infrastructure itself. All information will be reflected in the (5) final report of results and future guidelines.
References about the project: rescalera@upb.edu