Title of project:
Technical-financial study for the implementation of a pilot plant for the manufacture of biodiesel
Luis Arteaga Weill, Msc.
E-mail: larteaga@upb.edu
Jorge Montaño, Ing.
Luis Arteaga, Msc.
The diesel deficit in Bolivia can be mitigated using biodiesel. Its preparation was studied in the laboratory, trans esterifying national commercial soybean oil at 60 °C and atmospheric pressure, depending on the concentration of alcohol (CH3OH) and catalyst (NaOH). The total yield was 97.2%. The analyzed profile of methyl esters of the product corresponds to reported profiles of fatty acids in soybean oil. The kinetics can be described by a previously proposed homogeneous model. The quality of the fuel produced is close to that required by ASTM 6751-03 in free, combined glycerin and monoglyceride contents, using 6 mol alcohol / mol triglycerides and 0.7% pp of catalyst. With these results, a discontinuous pilot plant was designed for 10 barrels / day, which shows an IRR of 24.5% if the price of biodiesel equals an international value of 0.5USD/liter.
References about the project: rescalera@upb.edu