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Modelación hidrológica para el re-diseño de las represas de aporte en las cuencas Putucuni y Viscachas - Proyecto Múltiple Misicuni


Project Title:
Hydrological modeling for the re-design of the contribute dam´s in the Putucuni and Viscachas basins - Misicuni Multiple Project

Project Manager:
Oliver Cristian Saavedra Valeriano
Email: oliversaavedra@ upb.edu

Main researcher: 
Wilson Benjamin Soliz Terrazas
Email: wilsonbj355@gmail.com

The Misicuni dam, since it is already in operation, gathers water only from the Misicuni basin at the first phase. The next stage of the project, it is intended to take advantage of water resources of the basins of Putucuni and Viscachas, which would contribute to the main basin.

For this purpose, a hydrological model is planned, which will generate a greater understanding and management of these hydrological resources, in future works to be carried out in the area.
The adopted hydrological model is HEC-1, a unitary hydrological model of a deterministic type which uses Clark's unitary Hydrogram as a base.

With the finished digital hydrological model, with use of the HEC-HMS program, as the main design tool and secondary programs such as ArcMap 10.3, a comparison of the results obtained with the use of GBHM will be made.

Next, the specific objectives to be carried out will be demonstrated, which will be useful to complete the objective:
1. To have the necessary data for the corresponding hydrological analysis of the basins and their corresponding verification
2. Have a comparative study of the two hydrological models carried out
3. Calibrate and validate the hydrological model that fits the adopted model
4. Use the hydrological model used and the data obtained for a re-design analysis in the retention dams Putucuni and Viscachas

This project is developed jointly with the Misicuni Company and its estimated period is from January 2017 to December 2018.
