Title of Project:
Hydrologic modeling of Maylanco Basin using HEC-HMS and WEAP models
Project Manager:
Oliver Cristian Saavedra Valeriano
Email: oliversaavedra [at] upb.edu
Main researcher:
Mario Andrés Angulo Rivera
E-mail: maritoangulo2012@gmail.com
The hydrologic modeling of basins is a critical need in regions that have problems with water supply and water resource planning such as the case of Rocha river basin. Maylanco basin is one of the most important basins of Rocha river basin.
This Project is focused on establishing guidelines for integrated water resources management plan of the valley basin in Sacaba through its modeling using HEC-HMS and WEAP, combining their characteristics for the evaluation of possible scenarios of change.
This Project has three main objectives:
- Collect, inventory and verify hydrometeorologic data for the analysis of the basin.
- Set up, calibrate y validate the hydrologic models that adapt the best way possible to the studied basin.
- Suggest the most suitable hydrologic model and use it for the analysis of different situations and possible scenarios of change.