
  • Mauricio F. Villazón Universidad Mayor de San Simón
  • Leónidas Guzmán Universidad Mayor de San Simón



Recession Conservation, Rocha-Cochabamba River, Continuous Series of Sub-hourly flows, Discharge Curve


The Rocha River basin is one of the most important basins in the department of Cochabamba because it is home to approximately 76% of the department's population. The Rocha River is an urban ecosystem because it is located within the city. Due to its rugged topographic relief, it generates a large amount of water during the rainy season. On the other hand, during the dry season, this river has a small flow from liquid discharges, domestic and/or industrial wastewater. The objective of this work was to obtain continuous series of flow rates in 3 sections of the Rocha River at a sub-hourly level for the period 15-Dec-2017 to 27-Apr-2023 by collecting, processing and, where necessary, making the necessary corrections to the measured levels to later convert them into flow rates by means of H-Q curves. Once the flow rates were obtained, these together with the precipitation were used to calculate the runoff coefficients of the 3 sub-basins of study (El Abra, Cajón bridge and Pico de Loro bridge), obtaining values of 4.5%, 5.4% and 19% respectively. The results of an empirical extremes analysis for a return period of 5 years with flows measured every 15 min are also presented, obtaining flows of up to 16 m3/sec for the El Abra station, 52 m3/sec for the Puente Cajón station and 64 m3/sec for the Pico de Loro station.


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Author Biographies

Mauricio F. Villazón, Universidad Mayor de San Simón

Laboratorio de Hidráulica

Leónidas Guzmán, Universidad Mayor de San Simón

Laboratorio de Hidráulica


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How to Cite

Villazón, M. F., & Guzmán, L. (2025). PROCESSING AND CORRECTION OF SUB-HOURLY HYDROMETRIC SERIES OF THE ROCHA RIVER BASIN. Revista Investigación &Amp; Desarrollo, 24(2), 15–21.


