
  • Luis Enrique Veizaga Manrique Universidad Privada Boliviana
  • Nataly Keyla Rivera Zurita Universidad Privada Boliviana
  • Andrés Burrel Antezana Universidad Privada Boliviana



Management System, Asset, ISO 55001:2014, Electrical Energy Distribution, Strategic Asset Management Plan


Asset Management has notable importance in the field of the electrical industry, given that the performance of these companies depends on the correct use and operation of their assets, enabling the supply of electrical energy. The development of an Asset Management System poses considerable challenges, particularly with regard to the ideology of workers and the organizational culture, since it implies significant alterations in the perception of assets, they are no longer conceived merely as objects to be recognized as systems that provide tangible value to the company. The following article presents a proposal for an Asset Management System that is adapted to the substation unit of the electrical energy distribution companies in Bolivia, based on the international standard ISO 55001:2014, which will allow for providing design guidelines, administration and continuous improvement of asset management, all of this is supported by a proposed methodology for implementing a Strategic Asset Management Plan.


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Author Biographies

Luis Enrique Veizaga Manrique, Universidad Privada Boliviana

Carrera Ingeniería Industrial y de Sistemas

Nataly Keyla Rivera Zurita, Universidad Privada Boliviana

Facultad de Ingenierías y Arquitectura

Andrés Burrel Antezana, Universidad Privada Boliviana

Empresa de Luz y Fuerza Eléctrica de Cochabamba S.A (ELFEC)


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How to Cite

Veizaga Manrique, L. E., Rivera Zurita, N. K., & Antezana, A. B. (2024). METHODOLOGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A STRATEGIC ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN BASED ON ISO 55001:2014 APPLICABLE TO ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANIES IN BOLIVIA. Revista Investigación &Amp; Desarrollo, 24(1), 69–79.


