
  • José Manuel Rocha Balboa Universidad Privada Boliviana
  • José Antonio Rocha Torrico Universidad Privada Boliviana
  • Alcides Valentín Oxa Gerónimo Universidad Privada Boliviana




Institutional Theory, Labor Market, Quantile Regressions, Bootstrap


A theory of (Dis) Trust in economic agents is proposed and, based on data from the Bolivian Regional Forum, an Index of Confidence in Public Management (ICG) is developed, which was analyzed by a Log-Lin model with quantile character. There is greater institutional distrust when agents express not believing in government capacity; workers without a contract exhibit less confidence compared to salaried workers of the state apparatus; commercial sectors exhibit lower levels of confidence than industrial and construction sectors; people who feel that their income is sufficient and/or high trust less in the management of the State; and, Living in the metropolis of Santa Cruz implies higher levels of trust as opposed to inhabitants of the city of La Paz. The degrees of (Dis) Trust are discussed in two areas:: i) The needs of the labor market and the so-called ii) Heuristics of trust.


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How to Cite

Rocha Balboa, J. M., Rocha Torrico, J. A., & Oxa Gerónimo, A. V. (2023). “GUARANTEE IS COPPER…” (DIS) TRUST IN PUBLIC MANAGEMENT: THE CASE OF THE BOLIVIAN METROPOLISES (2017-2018). Revista Investigación &Amp; Desarrollo, 22(2). https://doi.org/10.23881/idupbo.022.2-3e



Economía, Empresa y Sociedad