
  • Oscar Gracia Landaeta Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Valeria Rodríguez Morales Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile




Bolivia, Estado, Nación, Charcas, Independencia, Nacionalismo, Comunidad Imaginada


The work makes a comprehensive assessment of the contribution of the book Ni con Lima ni con Buenos Aires by José Luis Roca to the historical understanding of the process of formation of the Bolivian national community. For this, in the first instance, the author's thinking is related to the traditional paradigms of reading the national identity, thus managing to weigh the possibilities and limitations of his work. Secondly, Roca's historical portrait of the process of the emergence of a consciousness of "us" involved in the founding of the Republic of Bolivia is analyzed. The general sense of the work is to give an account of the notable contributions of the analysis of the Bolivian historian for the knowledge of the genesis of the Bolivian nationality, also pondering some important shortcomings of the reading of it that must be avoided by later investigations. It was concluded as the result of the present research that the contributions of Ni con Lima ni con Buenos Aires to the understanding of the conditions of emergence of Bolivian identity are significant and are delivered both by what Roca verifies and by what he cannot demonstrate.


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How to Cite

Gracia Landaeta, O., & Rodríguez Morales, V. (2022). "NI CON LIMA NI CON BUENOS AIRES": JOSÉ LUIS ROCA AND THE HISTORICAL READING OF THE COMPLEX BIRTH OF THE BOLIVIAN NATIONAL STATE. Revista Investigación &Amp; Desarrollo, 21(2), 115–131. https://doi.org/10.23881/idupbo.021.2-7e



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