RANs turbulence models performance to predict heat transfer characteristics of low gwp fluids flow in microchannels


  • Eduardo Miranda Universidad de La Serena
  • Daniel Sempértegui-Tapia Universidad Privada Boliviana
  • Cristian Chávez Universidad de La Serena




Turbulence, Microchannels, Numerical, Pressure Drop, Heat Transfer


This paper evaluates the capacity of the following turbulence models: standard k - ε, RNG k - ε, k - ω standard, k - ω SST, Realizable k - ε and Low-Re k - ε to predict the fluid mechanics and heat transfer characteristics of low GWP fluid flow in a 1.1 mm ID microchannel. These turbulence models were evaluated for Reynolds Numbers up to 104. The numerical results for velocity profile, friction factors and Nusselt Numbers are validated with analytical and experimental data published in previous works for R134a, R1234yf, R1234ze(E) and R600a. Parametric behaviors of pressure drop and heat transfer coefficient are presented and analyzed. The results indicate that each of the models describes the qualitative behavior of flow and heat transfer processes. On the other hand, the quantitative results indicate that the Low-Re k - ε, k - ω and k - ω SST models demonstrate an acceptable prediction of some variable’s behavior. Numerically, the Low-Re k - ε model presents an accurate prediction with the lowest mean absolute.


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Author Biographies

Eduardo Miranda, Universidad de La Serena

Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica

Daniel Sempértegui-Tapia, Universidad Privada Boliviana

Centro de Investigaciones Opticas y Energia (CIOE)

Cristian Chávez, Universidad de La Serena

Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica


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How to Cite

Miranda, E., Sempértegui-Tapia, D., & Chávez, C. (2021). RANs turbulence models performance to predict heat transfer characteristics of low gwp fluids flow in microchannels. Revista Investigación &Amp; Desarrollo, 21(1). https://doi.org/10.23881/idupbo.021.1-6i


