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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format.
  • Whenever possible, URLs are provided for references.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author's Guidelines, which appear in About the Journal.

Author Guidelines

The author must send the article along with a presentation letter to the email:

The letter's format can be downloaded from Author's Presentation Letter.


Topic Areas

I&D's topic areas are consistent with the Universidad Privada Boliviana’s academic courses:

  • Engineering (Civil, Electromechanical, Systems, Production, Industrial, Industrial and Systems, Oil and Natural Gas, Environmental Engineering)

  • Business Sciences (Economics, Administration/Management, Finance, Marketing, Human Resources, Communication)

  • Exact Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Math)

  • Education Sciences (Higher Education)

  • Legal Sciences

  • Architecture and Graphic Design


Types of Publications

I&D Journal publishes research articles and monographs or Reviews on topics of scientific-technological interest regarding, necessarily, one of the aforementioned topic areas.

For the purposes of the Magazine, the terms above will be understood as follows:

  • Research Articles: refers to publications that present the progress and results that are novel in nature in the context of a specific research.

  • Monographs or Reviews: refers to publications that carry out an exhaustive bibliographical review and the corresponding critical analysis of a topic of scientific interest. .


Manuscript Language

It can be Spanish or English


Manuscript's Organization

The manuscript must be organized in accordance with the following outline:

  1. Title of the Article (in Spanish and English)

  1. Name of the Author(s) and Affiliation (Institution to which they belong and place)

If there are many authors, they must be listed in order of importance of their contributions.

  1. Summary (in Spanish and English)

The objectives, the most important aspects of the main topic, the results, and the most relevant conclusions must be laid out in a maximum of 250 words.

  1. Keywords (in Spanish and English) (no less than 3)

  1. Introduction

The motivation to carry out the work must be laid out and put in context with regard to the addressed topic and the work done by other authors on the same topic.

  1. "Body of the Document"

It is the core of the manuscript, which must particularly present the theoretical framework, the methodology used, and the results achieved.

The author(s) can organize and name the various sections that it comprises as they see fit for a clear presentation of the work to be laid out. In such a sense, it is suggested that the author(s) use a structure based on sections with subtitles.

  1. Conclusions

In this manuscript section, the most outstanding results presented must be compiled, highlighted and examined.

  1. Acknowledgements and appreciation

This section is optional and it can be used for the author(s) to express their acknowledgement to the institution that sponsored their work and/or the people who provided professional collaboration on the topic of the paper throughout its preparation.

  1. References or bibliography

Quotes and references to other work must follow the IEEE Style (IEEE Citation Reference).


Author(s) Information

A brief summary of each author's academic background must be enclosed, containing: academic degrees earned and the universities that conferred such degrees; the institutions in which they work; the title held, and the email address.


Manuscript Format

  • The text of the manuscript must have a minimum length of 15 pages and a maximum length of 30 pages (figures and tables are not considered in such lengths). It must be written in A4 size paper (11 x 8.5 inches), with 2.5 cm margins, “Times New Roman” font, double-spaced and 12-point font.

  • The document must be written with Word text editor and must not have any gutters, text effects of special formats. The version must include the layout.

  • The manuscript's figures and tables must include numbering followed by an explanatory caption, in the lower part for figures and in the upper part for tables, in accordance with the format of the following examples:


Example for figures: Figure 1 – Simulation.



  • Tables and figures must necessarily be referenced in the text using the assigned numbering.

  • Tables must be prepared with Word text editor.

  • No appendices are allowed.

  • Pictures or figures must be presented in jpg format with a 300dpis resolution, and full color - CMYK.

  • In documents related to the fields of technical engineering, the International System of Units (SI) must be used for writing numbers and symbols of physical magnitude units not only in the text itself, but also in tables, figures, glossaries, etc. When using reference information from other authors who adopted the use of other unit systems, the symbols must be maintained; however, the amounts and magnitudes in SI will be indicated in parentheses immediately after them.


Particularly, note should be taken that the SI of units adopts the decimal comma instead of the decimal period for writing numbers and a space every three digits before and after the decimal comma. For example: 1 745 006,315 050


Note: A format other than the one requested from the authors is used for layout purposes.



If any supplementary information is required, additional information can be requested by writing to the following email



Manuscript Submittal Deadlines

  • I&D Magazine is published in two issues on a six-month basis. The first issue focuses on the fields of engineering and similar fields. The second issue focuses on Business Sciences and similar fields.

  • The deadline for the first issue is May 15 and it pertains to the January-June period. The deadline for the second issue is October 15 and it pertains to the July-December period.

  • The magazine's issues are published in July and January, respectively.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.